Monday, June 28, 2010

Maximus's use of adjective

What is an adjective?
In English grammar, an adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying and quantifying the words. An adjective usually precede the noun or the pronoun which is modifies.
So, any adjective used in a noun will change / modify the noun. Example: a car - a big car which explain that "big" is the adjective to describe the car.
Ok, so Maximus at 19 months can use 2 words to describe a thing other than saying the word in 2 syllabus. It's an acheivement! Since car is his favourite, he has also made the assimilation to modify the use of car into an adjective word - big car. This used of adjective also apply to any object that he describes as big! Eventhough he is able to recognise a bus, or a truck he will still describe them as "big car". It's pretty amazing to see an Early childhoood theory (by Jean Piaget on Assimilation and accomodation) turn into real life for my lil toddler.
Now, I can fully see those theories in Early childhood that I have learnt back in my 1st degree come into life...through my lil toddler. It's indeed an acheivement for both of us.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Enjoying his soup

Since Maximus has grasped the skill to eat on his own, he enjoys eating together with us independently whether eating out or at home.
He likes soup and able to scoop the soup with a spoon and feed himself.
We enjoy watching him eating and most of the time it will be ended messy... but satisfied! He is also able to sit longer at the table - sometimes until the end of the meal.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Shy lil dancer

I caught Maximus dancing to the Bob the Builder MTV (Opening song). As soon as he noticed that I was recording, he stopped dancing and gave me the shy smile. He won't even want to dance when everyone is around him or being asked to dance for his daddy or cousins. Guess he is just a shy lil boy...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Eating skills

When I read this blogger's blog - The Best Parenting Blog 2009 about Toddler Eating: Breakfast Adventure, I decided to write about my Maximus's eating skills since 18 months.
I totally agree with what she wrote on the tips on toddlers eating. As she mentioned, the most important point is to make it FUN! Every eating opportunity that we have with Maximus will be filled with fun time. He will learn about the name of the food that he is eating and of course, he gets the chance to cut those food and dip it into his favourite tomato ketchup. He loves dipping since being introduced the dipping concept to him by his daddy.
After 18 months, Maximus also has pick up the skill to feed himself using the spoon. He won't miss the target! He is able to coordinate his hand-eye as he scoop his food with the spoon and put it into his mouth.
As we eat along with him, he learns to even scoop food from other plates and explore every taste. Sometimes he wants to imitate us by using both the spoon and fork. Of course this will be a big challenge since has not grasp the skill. So I will get him to alternate the spoon and the fork. He also understand the concept of using the chopsticks - they go in pair! So he will make sure that he get hold of chopsticks in pair but it's too risky to use chopsticks. I will always take that away from him and replace it with his spoon.
At this age, it's more relaxing when we dine out. Maximus can sit independently either on 2 chairs stacked up or in the baby-chair while feeding himself. Although it's messy, I won't stop him to explore and eat by himself. That's why I always have my hankie, wet-tissue and a pair of clothes to change (in-case).
Parents should encourage and allow toddlers at this age to explore and eat by themself. It's a good learning experience and also to teach them about independence and responsibility. Put aside the issue of being messy, allowing toddlers to eat by themselves is the best learning experiences. It covers a lot of areas of development i.e. the fine-motor skill (physical development), the cognitive development etc. So, give a try!

Maximus and his cousins

The house is filled with boys! Boys everywhere...!
Maximus being the youngest enjoys the company of his cousin-brothers... since baby he was surrounded by his cousin-brothers. I still can recall his first official word - "kor-kor" as to relate to his favourite cousin brother.
Every schooling-day, Maximus will wait for his cousins to be back from school. He will welcome them back home by waiting at the door! Then get them to play with him. He prefers being in the company of his cousins compared to with us! But seeing him having so much fun with his cousins just bring us the joy.
This photo was taken to show that Maximus is surrounded with his "kor-kor" and how he can behave in such cheeky manner around them. He will behave in such playful manners too when he is around his cousins. Sometimes get overly active - laughing, turning and running around! Well, I have to at watch just to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself then.
I like this photo although not everyone is in the photo (Maximus's favourite kor-kor not there) but just by looking at Maximus's expression makes me smile!

Daddy's Birthday Celebration

Maximus was so excited having to receive and open the box of cake... He opened it with a "wow"! Then when I lilted the candles and get him to bring it to his daddy, he felt such proud of being assign with the responsibility.
He enjoyed the blowing of the candles although mostly are just blowing the saliva. Then having to cut the cake with his daddy was fun... instead of daddy holding the knife he insisted to hold independently. Most of the time his eyes are at the cake!

I am sure when he turns 2, he will be excited over his birthday celebration. Since he is now familiar with birthday cake, presents and the birthday song hopefully by then he will learn to sing-along too.