Monday, June 28, 2010

Maximus's use of adjective

What is an adjective?
In English grammar, an adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying and quantifying the words. An adjective usually precede the noun or the pronoun which is modifies.
So, any adjective used in a noun will change / modify the noun. Example: a car - a big car which explain that "big" is the adjective to describe the car.
Ok, so Maximus at 19 months can use 2 words to describe a thing other than saying the word in 2 syllabus. It's an acheivement! Since car is his favourite, he has also made the assimilation to modify the use of car into an adjective word - big car. This used of adjective also apply to any object that he describes as big! Eventhough he is able to recognise a bus, or a truck he will still describe them as "big car". It's pretty amazing to see an Early childhoood theory (by Jean Piaget on Assimilation and accomodation) turn into real life for my lil toddler.
Now, I can fully see those theories in Early childhood that I have learnt back in my 1st degree come into life...through my lil toddler. It's indeed an acheivement for both of us.

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