Friday, November 26, 2010

Day-time Potty Trainned!

Finally, Maximus is potty trained during the day time even when he is taking his nap in the afternoon! It's a great achievement for him and a relief to our pocket $$$...
During his visit to his cousin's house, he wore pants without diaper and he was able to inform us when he wanted to pee. Although he uses the "baby-language" saying "shh-shh", at least it's a mean of communication.

Now, we can bring him out (short outing) without having to wear diaper. He will tell us that he wants to go to the toilet when he passes one.

Maximus - "Daddy & mummy are proud of your achievement. Well done!"

Learning through hands-on experiences is the BEST

After the 6th Nov, my lil boy turned two. His has progress from talking in 2-words phrase to now 3 and 4-words phrase. He is such a chatter-box and chat-chatter from the hour he wakes up till he sleeps...sometimes he even talk in his sleep!

He surprised me one night saying "cat eik bown" and I was trying so hard to figure out what he meant. He wasn't able to show us and he kept repeating the phrase till I realised that he was actually saying "cat eats bone" - pelat!

He has successfully proven that he learns through the hands-on experiences. It was before he turns two, that I brought him out to feed the cat. I told him to give the bone to the cat. Low and behold he remembers the experience - at that time he was only able to say "cat" "bone" and "eat" in all jumble-up order. Now, he has begun to string every word into a phrase.

I am always in support of learning through hands-on experiences and through play. And it is indeed a good method for young children to pick up and learn fast.

Another example - Usually during brushing teeth session, I will have to ask him to spit out the water. Now, he is able to tell me and show me the action of spitting out water. But my lil-mischievous one will spit out water anytime whenever he is drinking.

I would say that young children learn best through actions (hands-on) and that will get them to be independent in their learning too.

1-yr old going to 2-yrs old

I recalled a year ago, we celebrated our lil-one's 1st birthday...A year later, we are celebrating his 2nd birthday. Our son has the blessed 2-years and we are thankful for him. A full 2 years of joy and laughter, tears and sweat keep us going on. Our world is revolved around Maximus.
At one, we were looking forward for him to walk, run and climb. Now at two, we are surprised by his speech developement...a chatty lil-one.
Seeing him growing and developing well in his milestones brings us joy and mostly reminding me of how Great is my God! It has been a great 2-years and we will and shall expect more years ahead.

Left: 1-yr old birthday celebration

Right - the recent 2-yrs old. It's filled with fun when he is able to blow the candles.