It's really a struggle for us to feed Maximus medicine especially when he knows the taste of it after the first time. He will recognise the bottles of his medicine and know that it's time for medicine. He will quickly shows his hand-sign as he refuses to take the medicine with some whinning. Since day one, we have been using tricks, persuasions, pep-talks, strategies etc to convience him to take his medicine. Whatever we did are in vain!
But I found that the syringe is the best tool although my MiL likes using the measuring spoon.
It's not easy to feed using the measuring spoon.
I read some of the tips to give toddler medicine online too... but just don't help much. Some of the sites are from Family Education and i-village parenting. Yet, the bottom like is that I must really know the best method that suits him. Otherwise, he will end up vomitting everything after feeding. So, I realised a few soothing ways to feed medicine to Maximus:
- I just have to let him know that it's time to take his medicine and will shows him the medicine. MiL will try to trick him by saying it's ice-cream or orange juice but he is smarter though. He knows the taste... So, I won't lie to him. I am telling him directly that it's medicine and it will taste aweful but good for him. Although he will whine and struggle to escape, I have Jin or the maid to help out.
- Two is better than one - so it's not a one-man show in giving toddler medicine. It needs at least 2 of us; One to hold him and another to get the medicine ready.
- Do it fast and without delay because once he refuses he will just push away or spit it out.
- Put the syringe at the side of his cheek and give a quick push to let the medicine flow into the mouth without delay.
- Give him some honey or juice to wash away the nasty taste.
- Comfort him and tell him it's over. We are putting it away now. Praise him for being a brave boy.
Anyway, I do hope that Maximus will get well soon... and will not have to take any awful medicine again...
Mil forcing the medicine down to his throat...
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