Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Best of the best of Maximus...

So much of taking photos by the professional... It's just their equipments that are useful but getting the little ones to smile or focus at the camera is still the job of the parents. Maximus was rather serious in the beginning when we brought him to take the so called "free" photo shoot organised by Tesco Cheras and Tots R' U photography studio. But then when I decided to play the peek-a-boo game, he then found that mummy looks kinda funny and he laughed happily. The professional photographer's job was to take every angle and shot of him at the best.

Of course the so called "free" photo is just the gimmick to lure us especially first time parents to take the opportunity of the promotion. And as a proud mummy, it's very hard to decide the best picture to submit for the baby contest. Well, he looks his best in every way! And just because I wanted a "free" photo, I eventually spent RM 108 for 16 pieces of photos. There were 40 shots and of course I wish to have them all... but $$$ is limited. Yet, I know that Jin won't be happy with such money spent.

At the end, the outcome of the 16 best of the best photos of Maximus...


  1. nice... it's great to have some prints for memory. :) he has your laugh, danie!

  2. richrach: of course it's great to have the prints but not when the prints are expensive! oh... my laugh? well, I know he has my lips and the facial expressions
