Monday, January 31, 2011

Unstructured play

Unstructured play is open ended with unlimited possibilities and free for exploration. Commonly most children are more into the structured play - which is not an issue! Unstructured play allows children to express themselves freely, applies creativity and endless benefits in the child's development areas - physical, social, emotionally, cognitive, language etc.

Unstructured play includes playing with blocks, puzzles and etc. All toddlers should be given the opportunities to be engaged in the unstructured and free play...since most presechool in Malaysia is now limiting to the play activities. Through the unstructured play, toddlers will begin to wean off from their individual (self) and into the real world, yet learning to adapt into this "new environment" in a safe manner.

In this case for Maximus, his play time is never been limited by any rules and regulations. It was only during his trial class in the nursery that hinder him for liking and adapting to the new environment. He wasn't given the opportunity to be engaged into free play. And not to mention that the worst scenario was that there isn't much time and opportunity given to such play - not even the toys. However in the Sunday school, Maximus begins to feel safe in the environment when he uses the toys in his unstructured play to "interact" and "communicate" with the teachers and aunties.

I could never deprived Maximus in such play not even in the nursery. Here I managed to capture how he uses his imagination and language in one of his unstructured, free play. Enjoy... and together let us support PLAY in your child's life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is this?

During the trial lesson in the Nursery, I encountered an amazing experience from Maximus. Sometimes he keeps us wondering what is going through his mind!

From the picture, Maximus was given 2 flash cards of a picture of apple and orange. Here is the script:

Teacher: Maximus, what is this?
Maximus: Paper
Teacher: *Pause...? Ok, what is the picture in the card?
Maximus: Apple

I was laughing inside when I heard Maximus's reply. It's extra-ordinary... And yet it's true because it is a paper (or card).
So, I have learned that I need to ask a toddler in a proper question.
Well done Maximus for showing us (teacher and I) how to talk to toddlers in a proper sentences.

You...and Me...

The confusion with the use of "you" and "me" has started especially when a 2 plus-3 years old toddler learns to talk and grasp more vocabulary. Since toddlers learn language through imitation, "you" and "me" will always be an issue. Example, "Mummy will carry you" and so the toddler will soon say "Mummy, carry you."
This is very common among toddlers when they learn the language. Each time when this happened between Maximus and I, I will quickly switch the "you" to his name. But he has already pick-up the use of "you" and "me" now. He tends to say:
  1. Mummy, carry you.
  2. Mummy, give you.
  3. or the classic one will be "you want..." which was supposed to be "I want"
It's very cute hearing how Maximus talks and he can really chat and chatter non-stop.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1st day in Sunday School

Ok, there is a hope... My 2011 resolution is to grow in the Lord and so I decided to attend Metro Tabernacle church. Maximus followed me to the 1st day of church and he joined in the Sunday school. I have to accompany him but mostly just being there since he was independent. He enjoyed himself on his 1st day lesson and has the 1st good impression about going to church. When asked if he wants to go again...his answer is "Yes". Praise the Lord.
In the Sunday School, he is in Nursery 1 and there are lots of toys and activities that interest him. He did two craft work during the 3 hours session... I am so proud of it since they were his 1st craft work. The teachers are really experienced and passionate. They are so caring and patient too.
The environment - wide space, beautiful and attractive. I am glad that I found this church or the church found me! Hahaha...anyway it will be our home-church.

Nursery Trial class

My 1st entry for 2011 will be on Maximus's day in the nursery. He started being excited and happy about the idea of going to school...but ended refusing to go to school anymore. So, hope did this happen? All I have to comment is that the nursery is not fully equip and interesting for Maximus. This is not exactly his first time being in school. He had been with me in Kinderland centres during my work on Saturdays or any Kinderland's events. In fact, there was where he got the idea of loving school - many toys to play, big playground, rides to ride on and etc.
However, to our disappointment this new Nursery that was newly opened near my area was really not ready! The building is huge and the environment is clean.

However, there isn't much things to do... the only toy available for them is the giant Lego toys that was shared by all ages. Imagine how the lil ones feel when they can't get the chance to play. Although there are rides, playground and the play-house, there isn't enough for everyone.
Then, during the lesson everyone was asked to go upstairs into an empty room for singing. The teachers who were singing those Nursery Rhymes really need training in singing and pronouncing the words correctly - Twinkle twinkle little star was being sang as "Twingkle twingkle litter star" sigh... Talking about teaching young children the right thing! I am sure my Maximus can do better... Hehehe...
Anyway, there isn't my complains because I have expectation. In fact, I didn't even expect much from the centre but it was already a disappointment. Imagine if I have a little expectation...
Maximus is the judge to decide if he is willing to accept that Nursery as his school. And lo-and-behold, he said that he doesn't want to go to school anymore!
I think it's not about Maximus's readiness but it's the centre. I hope that the management will improve their set-up and put in more toys soon before I completely turn them down.