Thursday, January 6, 2011

1st day in Sunday School

Ok, there is a hope... My 2011 resolution is to grow in the Lord and so I decided to attend Metro Tabernacle church. Maximus followed me to the 1st day of church and he joined in the Sunday school. I have to accompany him but mostly just being there since he was independent. He enjoyed himself on his 1st day lesson and has the 1st good impression about going to church. When asked if he wants to go again...his answer is "Yes". Praise the Lord.
In the Sunday School, he is in Nursery 1 and there are lots of toys and activities that interest him. He did two craft work during the 3 hours session... I am so proud of it since they were his 1st craft work. The teachers are really experienced and passionate. They are so caring and patient too.
The environment - wide space, beautiful and attractive. I am glad that I found this church or the church found me! Hahaha...anyway it will be our home-church.


  1. Hey, I am looking for a Sunday school for Jayden. If you don't mind, may I know where is the location of the church? Thanks! :o)

  2. Rachel: We attend Metro Tabernacle in Gombak. They have the best Sunday School program and the environment is very nice too. Do join us

  3. Hey danie, it's great to know you found a church! And glad too that Max is enjoying every bit of Sunday school.

    That's really really exciting! :)
