Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who am I?

This is the reflection of my life especially when I have been through a huge change – from a single to be in motherhood. At 30 going to 31 soon (on 8th Sept), I have to really search myself. After an embarrassing and unexpected incident that happened yesterday (driving home without petrol and got stuck at the toll booth), I began to reflect on the question "Who am I … now?" I have never been such a slumber, sloppy and disorganised person. I used to be a tip-top perfectionist and plan ahead before things happen. But now… What I have in mind is my son? Of course it's not wrong as this is a process of change. However, the change should have transformed me into someone better… but the contrary.

This really is disturbing! Looking at myself in the mirror and reflect, I realised that I am not who I was before! The changes should be for the better but I have:

  1. completely less bother about my physical appearance.
  2. not been planning for myself.
  3. been slacking and sloppy with the management of my life agenda / daily agenda – such as my carrier path, social life etc.
  4. been spending too much time thinking and planning for Maximus.
  5. And the lists will go on…

It's better to realise now! Therefore I am going to make it my birthday resolution… I want to change to the better especially when being in motherhood. I am no "Super-girl" but I must at least be a good role model mother and wife. I must not be so sloppy and disorganised. I pledge my life for a change. The changes will be:

  1. Firstly, I must get myself back to shape and groom myself. I am in my early 30s and it's no reason for me to look haggard.
  2. I must reorganise my life – strike a balance between being a wife, mother and an employee.
  3. I must continue to know what is the end of mind – what I want to achieve in life. I will not just go to work for the sake of passing time and earning the salary.
  4. I will regain my social life with friends.
  5. And most important get back on track with God.

I will start everything one-by-one till I achieve it. By 2010, I must be proud to see my achievement. I want a change and it will start with me!

I am sure that I will find out "Who really am I?" and will be who that person really is. Mostly I must continue to stay happy and enjoying my life I am living in now with God in mind, along with my husband and son.


  1. It's truly a great time to reflect about yourself at this point in time. Sometimes the Lord allows u to go thru some "unexpected situation" - like what u went thru yesterday - to speak to u about some things (a blessing in disguise i'd say!)

    Wishing u all the best in achieving what u've decided on. "Keep Moving Forward!"

  2. richrach, that's very true also... my family members can't expect me to do such blunder and they said it's so unlikely for me to let this thing happen.But i think God has his plan for this to happen.
    Thanks for the good wishes
