Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baby's vocabs and sign language

Little ones' brain are like sponge and especially during this sensitive period learning is rather at the peak! Maximus is picking up his pace in learning. Each day, I discovered new things that he has mastered and improved i.e. in his motor skill, language skill or cognitive skill. Even his characters and personality is getting more obvious too. I am always looking forward to spend my time with him-observing him, exploring with him, learning new tricks and skills and playing with him. These are the best moment especially I am thrilled with his acheivment.
Maximus has moved up to graps new vocabs. Othe
r than being able to understand simple instructions, he can express some of his wants into words by using the sounds. I am sure when he begins talking formally, he sure will be a little parrot and very talkative too. When Jin and I talk, he will try to make some sounds to as if he want to join in our converstaion.
  1. Yesterday, he spoke "up" (using the sound of "ark") while pointing up because he wanted to go upstairs.
  2. Then he heard the plane flew by and it was out of sight. Not only he showed the "no-more" sign but he even reported it to his grandma but babbling all sorts of sounds while using his hands and sign language.
I used to train some single mothers about baby's sign language. This is an obscure language but proven to work as a communication between baby-parents. There are basic signs for those common things such as milk, sleep, drink etc.
I recalled training some single mothers in using these signs in order to create a communication with the babies under their home-based care.
There are no fix signs yet. And my opinion, we can even create our own signs with our baby.
For further reading on baby sign language visit here.

Maybe for my next baby, I may want to try inpose the sign language since I forsee that I will be the one taking care of him/her full time. Anyway, that's the future plan.


  1. It's sure exciting when we discovered our child is speaking words. But at times parents are also frus don't knw what the toddler babbling about and vice versa as toddler trying to express themselves to parents. Tats when sign language come in to fill the gap. I hv try it out on Ivan but less in Reanne. It does work.

  2. CK, great to hear that! Yes, it's a very useful sign for both parents and baby/toddler. Now, I am trying to get Maximus to learn some simple one (hope it's not too late) just to test out. But most of the time, we can understand him because he pointed to the things he wanted or to where he wanted to be!
    Glad to know that you did try out on Ivan.
