Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A month before turning ONE

Today marked the date that Maximus has turned 11-months! It's 1 month before turning the big ONE year old. As his mummy, I am pretty excited over it! What do I expect from this 11-months old baby that soon to be a toddler? Well, there are so much changes and development happened month-by-month as he grows. Of course I am expecting him to WALK!!! Yes! His first step... Although he has shown sign of walking as he cruise along the furniture, pushing the stool to move about and standing without support for a few short minutes, I am sure he will be taking his first step very much sooner than I thought.
I recalled the day when Maximus was able to cruise along the furniture, he was 8-months old or so, and i was already telling him not to start walking at 10-months old. But now, I can't wait for him to start walking... it's such a fickle-minded mummy am I! Sooner or later, Maximus will be independent walking around and about. We will soon be chasing after him too.
Hence, I know I will have less chance carrying my little boy to cuddle and bringing him around. He will be walking on his own and maybe refused to be carried too.
Well, whatever happen... let it come as it may. Whenever it happened, I am sure I will be so proud of his acheivement. So, check out for the blog when I will be writing about Maximus's first step or walk. hehe...
On the other hand being a 11-months baby, Maximus has 8 teeth, biting and chewing much. Chatting away and learning fast. He is able to:
  1. climb up the stairs as fast and with confident.
  2. scream for attention.
  3. knows and can remember what he wants and doesn't want.
  4. recognise the programme on tv or pictures that he likes. Eg: the ad on Colgate, picture of cars in every printed materials.
  5. choose his food from the plate, pick it up and start eating it.
  6. Push along the stool or walker to move around.
  7. Press the switch "on" and "off" on the remoto control, telephone and the suis.
  8. Drink from a straw
  9. Follow along a story from the story book and turn the pages.
  10. tell by pointing what he wants and where he wants to go - in other word, he can order people around.
There are so much about Maximus that I can't catch up recording it, taking photos and even remember jotting it in my journal or blog. But I am enjoying every moment of his development. Thank God that HE is always there to bless us and watch over our Maximus. Praise Jesus.

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