Friday, October 16, 2009


As babies transits to the toddlers stage, from cooing to babbling and making sounds, in their later months they begin to form words from the sounds. It's all about catching those sounds that they made and trying to give a positive responce in reassuring them that those sounds mean a word. As a parent, I am always paying close attention to my lil one each time I heard him making a new sound. This i can reassure him and respond to him by repeating his sounds into proper words. Then he will be so excited and continuing using his new vocabs.

Yesterday when I reached home from work, Maximus greeted me with his warm smile and lifting his arms for a hug and to be carried. As usual I will lift him up and hug him. Yesterday was different! As I carried him, he pointed to the door and started saying "Go, go, go!" indicating that he wants to go out! My usual respond is to repeat the sounds into proper word "Go?" Ok, let's go... but where does Maximus want to go?" Hence, he pointed again to the door.

His tiny little voice and fingers are such an amazing things to me. That little voice echoes in my heart and soul, bringing joy to me. I am so proud of his acheivement... However, we are still trying to get him to say "Mummy or Daddy" but instilling the sounds of /ma/, /mi/ or /dah/ and /di/... hoping that one day he will eventually get that sound!

More that I have learnt in my early childhood degree course, I know the stages of the vowels and consonants sounds that a baby can make naturally, and sounds of letter "m" and "d" aren't the easiest sounds... but it's our joy when our lil one started calling us! hehe... sounded like I am putting an expectation on him. Anyway, his other first words are a great acheivment. his first words are:
  1. book (he says it as "buk" without the vowel blend)
  2. bird (he says as "bek" without the vowel blend of "ir" and the sound of "d" sounded like a "t" or a "k")-cant really figure out the last sound but he meant bird because he looked up and pointed in the sky when a bird flew by.
  3. dog (he says it as "og" without the "d" sound)
  4. car (he says it as "ar" - without the c sound)
  5. recently was go-go-go (with very accurate pronounciation)
His sensitive period began during his late 9 months where he began to learn things at the fastest. And his learning continue on daily. We just need to discover his new ability every day.


  1. wah, really words of an early childhood educator! hehehe... now, it's a real "practical" experience with your little one!

  2. Hah! Richrach, I hope to see if those theoretical knowledge that I have are being put in to good practice then.
